Are You Planning to Work Longer or in Retirement? Know These Four Rules
Retirement isn’t what it used to be. It’s typically longer and more active, doesn’t start at the same age for everyone, and could involve paid work. Not everyone’s retirement will look the same, and it doesn’t have to. Maybe you’ll transition to part-time before fully retiring, or maybe you’re looking forward to a second career […]
The Benefits of Gardening
Fall is harvest time. Pumpkins, squash, and apples fill grocery stores, and if you have a garden, your own produce might be ready to pick. Of course, not everyone has a garden – gardening can be too time-consuming for people who work full-time or travel frequently. But, one of the great things about retirement is having […]
Three Things to Scrap In Retirement
Successful people are ambitious and disciplined. They set big goals and focus on achieving them over the course of a long career or a lifetime. Many people also have high-flying goals for their personal life– run a marathon, hike Mt. Everest, etc. There are people who assume they’ll cross many of them off their bucket […]
How America’s Aging Population Will Shape the Future
By the year 2035, Americans 65 and older are expected to outnumber those under 18 for the first time in our country’s history. In just 10 years, people over 60 will make up the largest consumer market segment and hold a majority of the wealth. In a culture that tends to glorify youth and doesn’t […]
3 Ways to Create Your Own Blue Zone
Have you heard of “Blue Zones”? They’re places in the world where there is an unusually high number of people living into their 90’s and even 100’s. These populations are known for maintaining good health well into old age. It’s not that they have special technologies, or the best doctors, or special genes – it’s […]
4 Fun and Affordable Retirement Activities
Entering retirement can mean a dramatic shift in lifestyle, but luckily there is plenty of time for new or old hobbies. Remember, you’re not just retiring from something, you’re retiring to something. The “what” is up to you, and there are many options other than expensive hobbies. Here are four fun and affordable retirement activities. […]
The Pursuit of Freedom and Happiness in Retirement
Happy 244th birthday, America! The holiday is enough reason to celebrate, but after months of quarantine, seeing loved ones and spending time outside in the warm weather is even more reason to celebrate. One of the best things about retirement is freedom – you can choose what to do with your time and where you’ll […]