Make Your Money Work for Your Happiness, Not the Other Way Around

Make Your Money Work for Your Happiness, Not the Other Way Around Southpark Capital

While some people idealize retirement as a time of leisure, many people often view retirement as a time of financial constraint and worry. For these reasons, you might think that your money and savings will dictate your happiness. But what if we changed the narrative? What if retirement was a time when your money worked […]

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Your Mindset Toward Your Finances

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Your Mindset Toward Your Finances South Park Capital

The concept of retirement planning is simple. Despite changes in the economy or in life itself, the concept of planning your retirement has remained unchanged. We work, save, retire, and repeat for generations over. But while the concept may be the same, the puzzle has begun to evolve. In other words, individuals and families currently […]

Wise Words About Aging

aging psychology

Our culture is very youth-focused, but we all instinctively feel reverence for people who have experienced much and gained wisdom from their long years. A positive attitude towards aging can go a long way towards finding happiness in retirement by giving us something to look forward to. Here are some wise words about aging. “How […]

Motivate, Don’t Procrastinate

They say there are people who watch things happen, people who make things happen, and people who say, “what happened?” You certainly don’t want to be the last kind, and it’s not so great to be the first kind, either. But distractions can get in the way, and the best of us procrastinate. COVID-19 may […]

Can Nostalgia Overcome Aging?

You might think that the more recent an event, the easier it would be to remember it. And you might think that things that happened to you a long time ago would be harder to recall, but the human brain and memory are actually more complex. There is what psychologists call a “reminiscence bump,” which […]

Age Before Beauty

Despite the fact that America has an aging population, there is ample evidence of ageism happening around us. The way we perceive older adults can limit our roles in society as we age, and a pervasive negative view of aging can have a psychological impact on us. Sometimes ageism can be seen in a seemingly […]


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