DSTs Are the Carpool Lane of Investments

By JON HOGAN, CRCP® | SouthPark Capital
January 10th, 2023

On our way to work, many of us are accustomed to sitting in standstill traffic, depending on where we are and what times we make our commute. Other than the jealousy you may feel when you’re sitting in that traffic and see a car in the carpool lane zoom by, something in you may admire those who figured out a way to make the rules of the road work for them.

They put in the work to take extra people with them wherever they’re going and save valuable time in their day.

When it comes to the investment options available to you, Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs), which are a unique vehicle to invest in direct real estate, aren’t too different from the carpool lane! So, let’s get into how DSTs are a bastion of stability in a market where returns and low-volatility opportunities are hard to come by.
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